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Writer's pictureEmily Gabel

5 Ideas to Show Up On Social Media More Authentically

Have you ever posted a photo on Instagram and felt a little strange because it just didn’t feel… quite like you? This can happen when the image you’re putting out on social media doesn’t match up with the real, authentic version of you.

There’s something powerful about being authentically yourself on social media. Take a minute to think about your favorite people to follow on Instagram. Chances are they all share real stories from their lives and their jobs, and you probably feel like you know them.

In today’s realm of social media, creating authentic content will help you gather an engaged audience who follow you for you. People love content that both feels authentic and can help them live their lives better, which is something you can tap into as a real estate agent.

But sometimes putting out authentic content seems easier said than done. Here are 3 keys to showing up as your authentic self on social media and attracting the right followers (aka potential clients).

Step 1: Don't try to be someone you're not

It may seem counterintuitive, but social media isn’t the place to hide who you are. Look at it this way: social media is a platform that allows you to share your unique thoughts, feelings, and perspectives on the world and on your job as a real estate agent.

You’re an expert in your field and your market. Why would you want to share someone else’s ideas on real estate when your followers want to find out more about your expertise and get to know you?

When you’re trying to be someone else, you’re being inauthentic to you. The worst part is that your followers can likely sense it. This can be off-putting to your followers because you may seem like you’re trying too hard or trying to cover something up.

If your natural, in-person personality is peppy and fun but you constantly put out dry, buttoned-up content on social media, your clients might wonder if they’re talking with the right agent. Showing up as yourself on social media will ensure that you attract the right clients and that you’ll hit it off from the start.

The key here is to stay true to your brand and your values. Let your personality shine through in your content and don’t try to act like someone else. People want authenticity–they want you.

Step 2: Use marketing trends that feel right for YOU

If you’re putting pressure on yourself to create videos, but no matter what you do, it just doesn’t feel like you–it feels like you’re acting the part of someone else–you’re not creating authentic content. Like we covered earlier, your audience can likely tell when you’re not putting your heart into your content.

Instead of forcing yourself to create content that you don’t like making, focus on creating what you love! Maybe you really shine when you’re putting together an info-packed carousel for Instagram. It’s important here to remember that you should do what you love to do, but you also need to stay up to date on the latest trends. The way people consume content is constantly changing, and you might find that you love putting together content in new ways.

Step 3: Engage on social media with authenticity

A big component of growing your audience on social media is through engagement. This is another place you can let your unique personality and expertise shine through–while getting your name and face in front of more people.

While you do your daily engagement, offer thoughtful feedback and genuine praise when you feel like it’s appropriate. Instead of just dropping a heart emoji, write a comment about why you love the post.

If someone shares something that resonates with you, let them know! This is a great way to develop a genuine connection. As a real estate agent, you know the magic of connections. You never know when a connection will come back to you as a referral or a client.

Not only does engaging with authenticity help people see that you’re a real person just like them, but it shows you care about the same things they do. This goes far to build that know, like, and trust factor!

Now that you know why and how to show up on social media authentically, here are 5 easy content ideas to get you started and help you build a connection with your audience.

5 Ways to Show Up Authentically on Social Media

  1. Share your life outside of being a real estate agent. Remember, people connect with people–not jobs. Share the things you do for hobbies or the fun things you did on your latest day trip. Sharing things outside of your job gives your followers more opportunities to connect with you and have that “oh, they’re just like me” moment.

  2. Share your favorite things to do in your location. This is a great way to shout out to your fave local businesses in addition to building a network with the other people who love them.

  3. Share behind the scenes of your business. GRWM (get ready with me) and day in the life reels are huge right now. People are so curious to see what other people do with their time, especially when it comes to real estate agents!

  4. Share fun facts about yourself. This is another fun way to help your followers connect with you, and it’s super easy to do on Reels or Stories! You should ask your followers to share a fun fact about them, too, so you can develop some authentic engagement.

  5. Share your WHY often. We all have a story behind what we do every day. Show your followers what your why is by letting them know your story and why you love what you do as a real estate agent.

Once you get the hang of sharing your authentic self on social media, you’ll find that creating content will come more easily and naturally. You’ll start making organic, genuine connections with potential clients and create that follower-to-client pipeline.

Want 2 weeks of gorgeous, customizable real estate social media content so you can spend time creating authentic connections with your audience? Grab your free 2 weeks here!

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